1. the holy lies:
this collage work and video art are in the same project called untitled, which were exhibited as an installation in istanbul youth and child biennial. eventhough i prefer them to be untitled i might call this installation las miertas santas (holy lies) and say that in this collage i talked about religion, women in religious contexts, women in gender roles and holy lies. i like humour and irony in my works.
“untitled”, 50”, 2021. (the video is more than 1 minute because i had some problems when i was converting the file. so the original art work is 50 seconds.)
2. hiwda (at beyoğlu) an experimental vlog.
3. experimental video art for the end of the bi' nevi exhibition 2022.
4. sanatı tecrübe etmek (experiencing the art):

the promotion video of the bi' nevi exhibition.
project purpose of the last video: to express that the works that I have captured emotional bonds in more personal way under the concept of visiting exhibitions that evoke to me through video collage technique and music.
the name of the works of art:
1. thania petersen "kassaram," 2020, 12' 10''
2. latifa echakhch "sağa iki adım, sonra sola dön. parmakların ucuyla yaprakların ucuna dikkatle dokunarak. kolları yavaş bir ritimle sallayarak. sonra, gözleri kapat," 2019 tuval üzerine çini mürekkebi 200 x 150 cm
the works are from:
1. istanbul modern sanatlar müzesi artist' film international 2021: https://www.istanbulmodern.org/tr/ser...
2. istanbul modern sanatlar müzesi koleksiyon sergisi: https://www.istanbulmodern.org/tr/ser...